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Rachel: The New Wave –

Rachel: The New Wave –

“Mignano” is the name of the debut recording by Viennese artist Rachel, with whom she is currently touring. Also last Thursday at the Posthof in Linz – a party that has stuck in the memory but deserved a much larger crowd.

On Thursday evening, the weather was nice outside, and the guest garden was inviting – which was perhaps why the crowds at this evening of music at the Linzer Posthof were unfortunately not as large as they deserved. The evening's three bands certainly deserve more attention.

For example the evening opener, Bombataaz. Don't tell you anything? Don't panic, he hasn't told us anything until this Thursday. The Belgian band probably stopped at Zeitkulturhafen as part of Linzer Posthof's “Liveeurope” membership. “Liveeurope” is a European initiative aiming to empower European musical diversity in venues. In the case of Bombataz, this has certainly been successful. A wild and danceable mix of all possible genres is what Bombataaz delivered in his half-hour set. Always with a smile on his face – the albums “Olympics of Love” and “Baby Dry My Tears” are recommended at this point. Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, against a rather sparse background. Too bad!

On the other hand, Holly is a semi-old acquaintance. Tobias Pahl aka Holly grew up in Upper Austria and now lives in Vienna. That evening, as a solo support for Rahil, he presented works from his first album, “The First Good Day,” which was released the previous year. Besides the unique situation on stage, there was also a new song to be heard called “I Don’t See Stars,” and “Passenger Seat” still leaves you hooked even after hearing it for the umpteenth time. Gladly again, dear Holly!

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Rachel: Between Mignano and Julie

Rachel was the headline of the evening. The Viennese artist released her long-awaited debut album “Minano” (Here for the Interview) and was in a good mood despite the small number of visitors. “There's still as much hope as a dwarf hamster,” Rachel sings, and that somehow seems to be the party's motto. In addition to songs with difficult content such as “Waterfall – 10 times a day” or songs that make you smile. Something like “Conductor” or “Granules – Are you breathing well” – they have one thing in common. There's dancing here! She danced to a mix of NDW, pop, rock, alternative and much more. Given this positive attitude, you can forgive July's cover of “The Perfect Wave.” Beautiful, honest music that was more than enjoyable, at least for those in attendance. Next time in front of 500 other people!

Photo: Christoph Leib