An “intimate reality series” that follows brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz over the course of eight months in their daily lives between family life, the Tokyo hotel tour bus, parties and drama across the USA.
Netflix has filmed a reality series about the Kaulitz brothers. When the announcement was made on Wednesday evening, musician and presenter Tom Kaulitz sparked excitement among his fans with an Instagram post. Model Heidi Klum's husband has been on Instagram for nearly a decade, but he doesn't communicate well there: “I haven't posted anything at all,” the 34-year-old model told hundreds of viewers at a Netflix presentation in Berlin.
He has this only post on his official account. “You don't even have a selfie,” said his twin brother Bill, amused. Bill clearly helped Tom promote the Netflix documentary to audiences via Instagram. Tom's verified account dates back to April 2014. Singer Bill has been there for a long time and has over 2,700 posts there. Tom's post was very successful: it received more than 100,000 likes and 7,000 comments in the first twelve hours. Tom has 1 million followers on Instagram, and Bill has 1.5 million.
“We are as one human being”
The “Kaulitz & Kaulitz” format will be released on Netflix starting June 25. “For the first time, Bill and Tom Kaulitz open the doors of their home and offer an exclusive look into their private lives,” Netflix said. Excerpts show very special moments. “We're like one person,” Tom said there. “And he has one side and I have the other side.”
Bill and Tom Kaulitz grew up near Magdeburg, and as teenagers founded the band Tokio Hotel with Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing. The twins have long lived in Los Angeles, where “Kaulitz & Kaulitz” is also supposedly set. The intimate reality series follows Bill and Tom over the course of eight months in their daily lives between international careers, family life, Tokyo hotel tours, parties, drama, flirtations and a road trip across the USA. A unique family and success story for the brothers from Magdeburg.” (APA/dpa)
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