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Record: ‘Celebrity Million Show’ brings in €225,000 to light in the dark

Record: ‘Celebrity Million Show’ brings in €225,000 to light in the dark

Knowing a lot and subtly baffling, it was also in demand on this year’s “Celebrity Millions Show” on Monday night on ORF2. Cabaret performer Caroline Athanasiades, winner of the “Dancing Stars” award, actor Johannes Silberschneider, musician Christian Stani and actress Julia Stemberger asked Armin Assinger’s questions. In the current situation (currently used question tree and four candidates), the celebrity received a record amount of €225,000 for the ORF campaign.

With the help of the 50/50 Joker, Christian Stani got the 14th question (Kids of the ’90s stared at Autodraw – images that when looked at a certain way…? A: appear 3D, B: change color, C: start moving, D: become transparent) 50,000 euros.

Caroline Athanasiadis earned an additional €50,000 by correctly answering question 14 (The country with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites is…? A: Mexico, B: India, C: Italy, D: Australia).

Top Sternberger

Julia Stemberger kept all three Jokers to the end and, with the support of the 50/50 Joker, Audience Jester and Telephone Clown, found the correct answer to the final 15th question (Linus Pauling was the only person with two Nobel Prizes to be the only winner of the prize – namely for… A: Chemistry and Peace, B: Peace and Medicine, C: Literature and Medicine, D: Physics and Chemistry). She won the maximum possible amount of €75,000.

Thanks to the audience’s joker, Johannes Silberschneider took an interest in the 14th question (Who called “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” their favorite book from childhood, even though they were almost 23 when it was published? A: Eminem, B: Bill Gates, C: George W. Bush, D: Justin Bieber) for an additional €50,000.

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