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Red Cross Großweikersdorf: traditional festival of community landmarks

Red Cross Großweikersdorf: traditional festival of community landmarks

The traditional Red Cross festival was celebrated in Großweikersdorf this past long weekend. In addition to gourmet cuisine, raffle, and meeting as a community, the focus this year was the new building for the office.

Grosswickers Dorf. “We are building a new home,” District Office Manager Philipp Otto announced. “The old office is from the 1950s and a lot of it is broken and in need of renovation. That’s why we’re tearing down the part left and building everything new. Hopefully in a way we can celebrate next year’s holiday in the new office.” You buy a token brick for €65, which is signed and presented in the new Red Cross building.

The first bricks for the new construction have already been donated.

While the rush on Thursday went very well according to Otto, the downpour on Saturday caused a slight setback. But on Father’s Day Sunday, the tables and benches in the tents were already full by 11 am.

Father’s Day family celebration

“Today we’re here as a family,” explain Michaela Mayer and Gabriela Galli, who make themselves comfortable at a table outside. The Heider family also invited themselves to lunch together at the Red Cross festival and joked that they were here to celebrate the parents. Rinat and Herbert Hoon were also among the festival’s visitors. “We like to go to parties. We’re home here at the weekend. Otherwise, we live in Vienna,” they explained. The Bischof and Klepp families, relaxing at one of the wooden tables, were also delighted: “We’ll have fun at the party.”

Herbert and Renate Hone live in Großweikersdorf on weekends

In addition to the perennial newcomers, members of the local Red Cross Youth walked through the aisles and served up homemade waffles as well as schnitzels and roast pork.

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Red Cross Youth Leader Julia Scheuer and longtime Red Cross employee"mummy" Connie Otto and her son-in-law and District Administrator Philip Otto welcome everyone to the party.
Both families enjoyed


Photo: Florence Stoeber

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