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Roger Angel, America’s leading baseball historian, has died.  – Culture

Roger Angel, America’s leading baseball historian, has died. – Culture

Baseball has been played in the United States for a very long time, at least since 1846, i.e. 176 years. It is longer than American football (first game: 1869) and basketball (invented: 1891). During these 176 years, Roger Angel personally saw the greater part.

Angel was born in September 1920. It was an early year for playing baseball because in 1920 a man named George Herman Ruth, nicknamed Babe, moved from the Boston Red Sox to the New York Yankees. Ruth played for the Yankees for fourteen years, during which time he became one of the greatest baseball players in history – a legend. When he was still active, he had all the important achievements that could be made in this sport. To date, Babe Ruth is the third best hitter of all time with 714 home runs.

Roger Angel never played baseball, at least not professionally. But he is as immersed in the game as some of his teammates. Angel, the son of Manhattan circles and a Harvard graduate, was in fact a fiction writer for a very luxurious and well-known magazine. New Yorker. This position was held before him by his mother, teachers such as John Abdik and Vladimir Nabokov New Yorker Brought up. Angel initially wrote short stories, but in 1962 he focused on baseball instead of literature. Over the next decades, he wrote New Yorker Numerous reports and articles on baseball and some great books.

You may find it weird because baseball is just a sport. But the truth is, it’s like a very intelligent, literary magazine New Yorker A baseball reporter showed that baseball is very high, at least in the United States. Baseball is sometimes referred to as “America’s hobby”. It’s free time and seems like a hobby, which is not true on the one hand – baseball is a billion dollar business for players working hard and playing sports. On the other hand, this is true because baseball is more closely and deeply intertwined with American everyday culture than any other sport.

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Baseball is the summer sport of the United States. The season lasts from April to October, during which time 30 professional teams each play an incredible 162 games. This is more than 2400 games – per year. Then comes the post-season with the playoffs and the championship, the world series. Baseball goes with the Americans every day for more than half a year. One can only imagine how many baseball games Roger Angel would have watched during his time as a reporter.

Angel is an avid fan and a brilliant journalist

Angel became the nation’s premier baseball historian, recipient of the Sports Poet Prize because of the way he wrote: Knowledge, Clear, Elegant, Emotion. Angel was a journalist, but he was also an avid fan New Yorker Angel’s editor-in-chief made him a baseball reporter because his cheeks flushed with excitement when he once explained to him the precise, almost ballet-like dance art of double drama.

In fact, Angel loved the game of baseball so much that he did not want to commit his allegiance to just one team. He was known as a supporter of the New York Mets, but he also liked the New York Yankees and the Red Sox from Boston. As for German football, it’s like being a fan of FC Bayern Munich, TSV 1860 Munich and Borussia Dortmund.

Roger Angel saw the great Babe Ruth play when he was a boy. This year he was lucky enough to see Ruth’s reincarnation on the field – Shoaib Ohtani, believed to be the only person in the world who can throw 100 mph and hit 100 mph. As a baseball reporter, but even more so as a baseball fan, you can never ask for a better staple to keep your life together. Roger Angel passed away on Saturday at the age of 101.

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