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Rudolfsheim: Very few parking spaces for residents in Braunhirschingasse

Rudolfsheim: Very few parking spaces for residents in Braunhirschingasse

A pensioner would like a parking space on Braunhirschengasse in the 15th district. My area was followed.

Vienna/Rudolfsheim. A woman from Rudolfsheim, who wishes to remain anonymous, has lived at Braunhirschengasse 9 since the 1970s, and still had a garage nearby where she could park her car.

“It was then closed due to the risk of collapse, and I have been stopping in the alley ever since,” she explained during a local inspection with MeinBezirk. She comes home a little late at least twice a week. “When I make my drives, there are often free parking spots upstairs or in parallel alleys,” she says. But Braunhirschengasse is always “off”.

Parking space for residents

“We have two companies opposite each other, a glass factory and a grocery store, and a number of company cars are parked in the alley,” complains a resident of Rudolfsheim. Years ago, she contacted former district leader Gerhard Zatlokal (SPÖ) and asked if it would be possible to create local parking spaces in her alley. Reactions at the time were negative.

Is there a shortage of parking spaces in your area?

“There are sufficient parking spaces in the area,” said the kind response from the district administration, which I received via email shortly afterwards. Since the parking situation has deteriorated further since then, the retiree approached MeinBezirk with her request this time. “I don't know how long I will be able to drive, but at least it will be an advantage for other residents who have to struggle to find a parking space every day,” she looks fondly to the future.

Analysis will come in 2025

A comprehensive traffic analysis is first required for the construction of local parking spaces, explains Gerhard Graf (SPÖ), Chairman of the Traffic Committee of the 15th District. This count is used to determine whether there is actually what is called “parking space utilization” – that is, a shortage of parking spaces. “If so, it can be determined whether and how many local parking spaces can be identified,” explains Graf. It's definitely a current topic that's getting more attention.

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“However, this lower part of the area can only be addressed after the construction site of the first section of the outer Mariahilfer Straße is completed. “Until 2025,” Graf explains in conclusion. Until then, hope remains for the Rudolfsheim citizen.

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