On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the storming of steel plants should stop for now, and impose a blockade instead. As Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Verychuk announced, the evacuations should begin at noon. “Today we will once again try to bring women, children and the elderly back to safety,” Vereshock wrote on social media.
In the past few days, repeated attempts have been made to evacuate civilians from the city. However, these efforts failed several times. Russia and Ukraine blame each other for the failure. According to its own data, Russia now has “full control” of the port city in southeastern Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukrainian soldiers and fighters from the Azov National Regiment still resided in the vast Azovstal steelworks complex. In addition, civilians are said to be hiding in the factory.
According to the Ukrainian news agency “Ukrinform”, children are said to be among them. This was shown in a video posted by Azov fighters and shared on the Western Air Command’s Facebook page.
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