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Russia reveals the final declaration of the Swiss conference on Ukraine

Russia reveals the final declaration of the Swiss conference on Ukraine

Russia Today leaks Final Declaration of the Ukrainian Peace Conference on Bürgenstock. If the Kremlin-funded broadcaster achieves its goal, the result will be known before the end of the Swiss event.

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry It can be transferred as follows“We have the draft final statement of the Bürgenstock Peace Summit in our possession.”

The draft includes nine of the ten points of the so-called “Zelensky formula.” This means that Russia must withdraw its forces and restore the 1991 borders. In addition, “justice” must be restored, which includes establishing a tribunal, paying reparations and compensating for damage caused by frozen Russian state assets. “The tenth point, which specifies the end of hostilities in an international treaty, is missing.”

“It was not difficult to obtain this draft of the final statement, as all the details and proposals presented to the Kiev regime are written by Western capitals,” Zakharova says. The planned meeting in Bürgenstock and subsequent events are a continuation of the failed “Copenhagen process” and are also doomed to failure.

The Federal Foreign Office (EDA) did not comment on these allegations. A spokesman for the conference said: “The truth is that the conference revolves around three areas: nuclear safety, freedom of navigation and food safety, in addition to the humanitarian aspects.” It remains to be seen whether a final declaration can be agreed upon at the end of the conference.

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