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Safe Online Shopping: Five Tips for Black Friday and the Pre-Christmas Season

Berlin (OTS) Black Friday every year marks the start of the pre-Christmas shopping season. This year, too, the rush for specials and big Christmas shopping will take place in the following weeks online. together with Germany is safe on the Internet he have Mobile Bank N26 Collected the best tips and recommendations for consumers.

Safe online shopping can only be done with secure payment – Five Tips from N26 Mobile Bank:

  1. Customers should beware of offers that are too good to be true. “If the offers on Black Friday or Monday online are still very cheap, then the so-called fake store is most likely to be“, And therefore Michael Littger from Germany Safe in the Net eV (DsiN). Fake stores are websites on which goods are offered at very low prices – however, the goods are not delivered and no refunds are given. Many of these fake stores are professionally designed so that you cannot tell them apart from the real online stores. The first indications are the lack of a footprint or data protection statement.
  2. “If you can’t pay with a credit card, debit card, or other trustworthy payment methods such as on-account purchase, this is a clear warning sign”, And therefore Alexander Weber from the N26 mobile phone bank. Important: Customers should ensure that bank details are sent only in encrypted form. If you do not see a padlock in the address bar, this means that confidential information such as banking information should not be revealed. Trusted companies will always encrypt their websites using the TLS protocol.
  3. When paying by direct debit, you should know that reputable online stores will never ask for your PIN or TAN number and never ask you to enter your bank details again via email. In general, consumers should use accurate language. When it comes to their products, fees, and delivery times, reputable companies will always be straightforward and straightforward with their customers.
  4. “Many banks now offer virtual cards that are especially secure in online trading. They work like regular cards, but are only available digitally on a smartphone and not physically,” He says Alexander Weber from N26. Payment is especially safe here, because they have their own card numbers and you can easily block and unblock them at any time using your smartphone.
  5. It is recommended to keep track of individual transactions. Mobile banks have the technical means to inform their customers transparently and in real time about all account transactions. For example, N26 customers receive a push message immediately after each transaction. If an online retailer makes an unauthorized discount, an objection can be filed with the bank and the money can be returned.
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