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Saturday 1 stopping the series “Suddenly Rich, Suddenly Rich” | 05/29/21

Berlin (dpa-AFX) – After the hype over the Sat.1 series “Suddenly Poor, Suddenly Rich”, the broadcaster has now stopped coordinating reality. The show ended with an “immediate effect,” he said Saturday 1 Saturday on Twitter – and he admitted that there had been “errors” in one episode of the series.

In the episode, candidate Matthias Distel, better known as pop singer Ike Hofftgold, was supposed to exchange home and everyday life with a mother and her children. However, Distel stopped filming and publicly accused the show’s makers a few days ago of “unscrupulously chasing the quotas”. “The responsible media have trampled the well-being of two seriously traumatized children,” Distill said at the time.

Saturday 1 commented on the case on Saturday: “Processing of the last filming session of“ Suddenly Poor, Rich Suddenly ”continues. But there is no doubt that mistakes have occurred here, for which we apologize to the public and the family.” But that’s not all. “We have come to the conclusion that this program is no longer suitable for Sat.1, which we want to develop further with and for our viewers (…). That is why there will be no new episodes. That is why its filming will not be indicative of this.” .

The top priority is the well-being of the children and the family, with whom one is in close contact, according to the presenter in the last photo shoot. “Even in the months that lie ahead, we will financially and humanely support the family in the best possible way in their interest. The goal of Saturday 1 was and will never be to harm people.”

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Production company Imago TV also said: “Above all, we regret that a family who participated in the filming has been drawn into the public controversy. We are still in contact with the family and wish the children in particular would distance themselves from these arguments. As much as possible a little while ago.”

Among other things, Destel posed the question “whether children between the ages of 8 and 10, who clearly have mental health problems, could be legally and morally attracted to a TV format that ran 8 days at a time for up to 10 hrs. Be. “/ Facebook / dp / men