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Savings banks want to save in the winter: max. 19 degrees in the room |  miscellaneous |  10/08/2022

Savings banks want to save in the winter: max. 19 degrees in the room | miscellaneous | 10/08/2022

Savings banks have to save up to 25 percent of their gas consumption and thus heat their offices to a maximum of 19 degrees in winter. This is what a senior official is asking.


In winter, German professionals are threatened not only with cold water to wash their hands, but also with cold or at least very cold offices.

© mihail39 /

German savings banks must reduce their gas consumption by up to 25%. Helmut Schluys, president of the German Savings Bank Association (DSGV), called for this in a letter to board members in the sector. The trend to demand more savings continues: Just this week, Deutsche Bank also decided to make wide-ranging adjustments to the country’s energy crisis.

It is critical that we “reduce gas consumption by at least 20 percent, and even better, by 25 percent, as quickly as possible, in all seriousness and eminence,” Schlues said in last week’s letter available to Bloomberg. A DSGV spokesperson confirmed the on-demand content.

Without lowering the room temperature to a maximum of 19°C and without turning off the hot water wherever and whenever possible, short-term savings goals cannot be achieved, Schluys continued. In the medium term, active regeneration and transformation into new forms of energy should be the highest priority.

“So far, the focus has been very much on reducing carbon dioxide emissions,” Schlues explained. However, the acute situation forces us to focus on gas saving measures in the short term. We are currently working on this with the regional associations.”

In a separate leaflet, sent to savings banks across regional associations, gas-saving measures by individual savings banks were highlighted: lowering room temperature using thermostats, turning off hot water supplies in hand washbasins, and consolidating sites as a temporary solution.

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Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank has lowered the air conditioning in its German offices, raising the maximum temperature in the summer months from 23 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius, according to a statement released this week. There will only be cold water in the restrooms and the fountain in front of the headquarters in Frankfurt will be closed. (aa)