Homepageto knowcreature: 4/9/2023 5:12 AMfrom: Tanya Banneris dividedArtist's rendering: A jet explodes at nearly the speed of light from an...
Homepageto knowcreature: 4/8/2023 5:04 AMfrom: Tanya Banneris dividedBlack hole (icon image). © imago / Icon ImagesNo information escapes black holes,...
Homepageto knowcreature: 4/7/2023 4:49 AMfrom: Tanya Banneris dividedAt first glance, object Z 229-15, imaged here by the Hubble Space Telescope,...
Homepageto knowcreature: 6/4/2023 9:53 a.mfrom: Tanya Banneris dividedIt is very difficult to detect black holes in space. © imago images...
Sciences Esa's longest journey Three moons have oceans, and they already have a lot of water. As of 12:31 p.m|...
=tqbo dmbttµ#bsujdmf ``mpdbujpo#? Cptupo0Cfsmjo / 'octq´ = 0tqbo? Ejf Bm {ifjnfs. Lsbolifju usjggu = tuspoh? gsbvfo = 0tuspoh? iåvgjhfs bmt...
The psychology of missed opportunities Fear of missing out may have contributed to the fact that the German stock index...
Homepageto knowcreature: 4/5/2023 11:54 AMfrom: Tanya Banneris dividedBlack hole (icon image). © IMAGO / Cover ImagesNo information escapes black holes,...
Homepageto knowcreature: 04/05/2023, 04:45 a.mfrom: Tanya Banneris dividedAn extremely bright burst of gamma rays hits Earth. Now it turns out...
With the help of these igloos, carbon dioxide is permanently stored in Iceland's soil.Source: M. Hugo / ZDFRock flour, algae,...