As early as 2009, UNESCO classified the Bavarian dialect as an endangered language in its World Atlas for the first...
The microbiome is involved in almost all physiological processes and therefore also in almost all diseases. Therefore, a new department...
in the middle As of: 21/02/2023 7:09 PM A new large particle accelerator is being built in Darmstadt. Unlike CERN...
Memory can be trained in the same way as muscles. (Image: LightField Studios) A good memory can effectively prevent dementia....
Small batteries can power small robots. (Photo: Shutterstock/EugenP) Small batteries can make a big impact. They can command small robots...
The time is now: The green comet is so close to Earth this Wednesday that it's easy to see with...
The latest three -dimensional map of the distribution of the dark matter and substance in space has been largely confirmed...
01/02/2023, 09:15 AM | Being overweight causes brain mass to decrease with age Obese people and people with Alzheimer's disease...
24 vitaHealthcreature: 1/31/2023 4:32 PMfrom: Judith BrownsplitFatty liver can be caused by a wrong diet. However, you can counteract this...
Status: 01/31/2023 06:42 AM It snows less in Germany. This was confirmed by analyzing nationwide weather data from BR data...