Despite the burden of allergies, many allergies, such as allergic hay fever, go untreated. This is due, among other things,...
Energy from waste heat: Researchers have discovered a particularly efficient type of thermoelectric material — a solid material that can...
/ Valerie Honcharuk, Southampton - Replacement of cholecalciferol in pregnant women with proven vitamin D deficiency was demonstrated in...
Already 45 years in space Voyager's sensors have gone too far 06/07/2022, 11:44 AM (Updated) The Voyager space probes have...
"Worth keeping an eye on"Alternative Omicron: What's the Deal With BA.2.75?Virologists drew attention to a new sequenced variant of the...
However, the message that has recently spread, especially in social networks, that the risk of harm to health increases exponentially...
Astronomers at the US space agency are emotionally overwhelmed with the first images from the new space telescope. When he...
Fuller lips, bright eyes, smooth, flawless skin - in recent years the demand for plastic surgery and anti-wrinkle treatments has...
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Milk increases the risk of Parkinson's disease In a comprehensive study of the effects of diet on Parkinson's disease risks...