NASA identified the 'Perseverance' rover and the 'Rochet' stone, which the rover will be performing a few days after this...
© NASA, ESA, A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center), MH Wong (University of California, Berkeley), and the Opal team 20.11.2021...
npaevoktl, velt el pel Bnuhl ent pel bleu lpl, pel peO telueu Bteueleu eO okutlekpleu lpl. Zlekl Un pel lule...
The simulation researcher sees this as a "too expensive metric", and by no means only in economic terms Nikki Popper...
Earth's green lungs are getting smaller and smaller. In the last reporting year, 22 percent more forests were destroyed than...
For physician and economist Thomas Szybionka, one thing is certain: "We have to test much more - not only those...
Elon Musk's SpaceX has been working on the Starship for some time, and recently the space company has been spinning...
The team used special antibodies and a vaccine in mice to treat Alzheimer's disease symptoms in the animals. They published...
Munich (ots) - Age risk factor: People over the age of 60 are at particular risk of developing serious diseases...
Will it be possible in the near future to vaccinate against Alzheimer's disease? (Photo: auremar/ A breakthrough in the treatment...