Science already knows a lot about the effects of cannabis on the mind and body. For example, in the case...
The Extremely Large Telescope, which is currently under construction, is expected to be powerful enough to find any traces of...
A project to build what may be humanity's most impressive measuring device has now gotten the green light: Researchers from...
Heidelberg24consumerConsumer magazinewas standing: January 30, 2024 at 8:27 pmfrom: Pauline WiderkaHe pressesDividesPeople pay increasing attention to quality and health when...
A research collaboration has released 19 stunning images of spiral galaxies taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. In the...
IUD removal: How long does the bleeding last?Removing the file usually only takes a few minutes. Your gynecologist will use...
24vitaDiseasescancerwas standing: January 29, 2024 at 4:12 pmfrom: Judith BrownHe pressesDividesAlthough nasal cancer is considered a rare cancer in Europe,...
The AI lies to win the game. Photo: Photo iStock/Illustration by Nina Simone AI has learned to deceive without being...
HomepageLet's knowwas standing: January 29, 2024, 5:22 amfrom: Tanya BannerHe pressesDividesThe sun was captured by NASA's SOHO solar telescope. ©...
Sciences Almost every electronic device has a circuit board inside which components are connected. Recycling these components is certainly beneficial,...