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Searching for the coldest point in the universe and the reason for its existence on Earth

Searching for the coldest point in the universe and the reason for its existence on Earth

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Searching for the coldest point in the universe and the reason for its existence on Earth
The Milky Way appears as a bright white stripe in the night sky. © Robert Seitz/Imago

Despite the freezing temperatures in space, there is a colder place, and it's surprisingly close.

MUNICH – The entire universe is permeated by a certain type of radiation, called microwave background radiation. It's a remnant from the time of the Big Bang. Similar to the light we can see, these waves are also electromagnetic oscillations. However, The German Aerospace Center (DLR) says:The wavelength of microwave rays ranges between 1 meter and 1 millimeter (= a thousandth of a meter), while the wavelength of light ranges between 380 and 780 nanometers (= a billionth of a meter).

Our current laws of physics enable space research to reconstruct the formation of our universe shortly after the Big Bang. According to the German Aerospace Center, temperatures were very high at that time. However, as the universe expanded, the temperature dropped steadily – to around -270°C today.

The universe is expanding, and has become warmer as a result

The expansion of space has also led to an expansion of the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation – to the microwave range between 1 meter and 1 millimeter. Current measurements show that this radiation penetrates the entire universe evenly. For this reason it is also referred to as “background radiation”. Any colder object would be instantly “heated” by this radiation to the space temperature of -270 degrees Celsius, explains the German Aerospace Center.

So aren't there colder places in our world? Yes, provided it is effectively insulated and cooled. Absolute zero, the lowest temperature theoretically possible, is still three degrees lower than the temperature of space – at -273 degrees Celsius.

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The coldest place in the universe is on Earth

In private laboratories, where matter can be cooled using complex processes, low-temperature physicists can reach absolute zero down to a few millionths of a degree. Therefore, the coldest place in the universe is actually on our Earth. But who knows, maybe an extraterrestrial civilization is working in the laboratory to reach temperatures closer to absolute zero. (fave)

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