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Season 1 introduces the long overdue loot change so you finally get to waste less

Season 1 introduces the long overdue loot change so you finally get to waste less

Finally, no more useless items from level 100 - at least that's what Diablo 4 innovation promises.
Finally, no more useless items from level 100 – at least that’s what Diablo 4 innovation promises.

With the start of the first season, Diablo 4 is getting all sorts of new features. It also addresses a point of criticism many players have regarding the level of equipment: so far, the items found correspond to your own level, which makes many of them just useless junk. But this should change soon.

Certain Diablo 4 loot gets maxed out

Until now, you’ve always found items on your character’s level, so you can equip them right away. So if you have already reached level 100, you will only find equipment with this character that can be worn from level 100 onwards.

As Associate Game Director Josef Bibora explained to colleagues at The star of the game In the interview, this is now changing for sacred and bequeathed objects. These are particularly rare and powerful variants of items, which then have more titles and a higher energy value. With a little luck, you can find these variants for normal, legendary, and unique gear.

With innovation, these rare finds now get their hands on as high as possible. This means: the level you need to wear items now only scales up to a certain level with your actual level with:

  • Holy things Drop a maximum of level 60
  • Inherited items (ancestral items) Drop a maximum of 80 degrees

Why is this important? Currently, an item’s level requirements are completely separate from its strength value. The latter indicates how good the gear actually is, while the former only limits which characters can wear it.

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So if you find an item at level 100 that will be useful to your character at level 70, you still can’t pass it on – because the item has a level 100 requirement. At the end of the game, you’ll actually get a lot of junk.

However, this will soon change with new maximum levels for Sacred and Legacy items. If you then find these rare items at level 100, you can easily pass them on to your other characters or give them to your friends. The only requirement was that they must then have reached level 60 or 80.

Of course, this is of little use to your character at level 100 itself. But at least Piepiora promises that Blizzard is working on more changes.

What do you think of this innovation, is it enough to make the loot at the end of the game more palatable?