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Seven other games and 2.0.29 app update

Seven other games and 2.0.29 app update

Only seven games will be added this week to Nvidia’s Game Streaming Service, but GeForce Now app update will be released. New features include account linking to the Epic Games Store and session preload. Both features are currently being tested with the PC version of Fortnite on GeForce Now. This should reduce your switching time from GeForce Now to the game by nearly half. The update also improves search results within the app and integrates an in-game GeForce Now overlay into the Chrome browser. You can find more details, including the account link Here.

The following games can be used on GeForce Now starting this week:

  • R-Type Final 2 (today and date-release auf Steam)
  • Chinese Parents (Steam)
  • Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition (Epic Games Store)
  • Dungeon Naheulbeuk: Amulet of Chaos (Epic Games Store)
  • GoNNER (Epic Games Store)
  • SOMA (Epic Games Store)
  • Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (Epic Games Store)

In association with Deep Silver, the enhanced version of Metro Exodus PC (May 6) and Iron Harvest: Operation Eagle (May 27) will be available on GeForce now in time for their release.

GeForce Now is a cloud gaming service. Simply, you can rent a computer system in a data center and you can start specific games from your own libraries as well as tons of free titles to play on this virtual computer. The game originally works in the cloud and is streamed to various devices. You can find an overview of the supported games Here.

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Nvidia: “GeForce NOW members can purchase new games and many others at their favorite digital stores and play them on all supported devices – PC, Mac, Chromebook, iPhone, iPad, Android or Android TV.”

Current last video: VideoTest