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Side Views: Light brought to the dark in Finsteren Stern.

Side Views: Light brought to the dark in Finsteren Stern.

“Sideviews of Light in the Dark Path” initiated by Purzel Klingore and Ossie Schellman took place for the 26th time this year. €12,000 has been raised for a good cause.

Vienna / Inner City. In this year’s “Side Views of Light in a Dark Road” by Purzl Klingohr and Ossi Schellmann, there was once again serious group for good reason. The event is being organized for the 26th time since 1997. In total, several million euros have already been donated to help Licht ins Dunkel.

Actress Constanze Breitbner gave a reading with the help of cabaret artist Andrea Handler.

Celebrities regularly party for a good cause, this time at the restaurant “Zum Finsteren Stern”. “A light in the dark, in a dark star” was the appropriate slogan for the evening. The program featured a humorous reading by actress and screenwriter Konstanze Breitebner, supported by cabaret artist Andrea Händler.

Opera singers Arielle Jeon and Fabian Balkhausen created a wonderful atmosphere.

I won more than 12,000 euros

This was followed by a live performance with operas and operettas by Ariel Geon and Fabian Blackhausen and a four-course meal. At the end of the evening, a check for more than €12,000 was handed to Licht ins Dunkel.

Ossi Schellmann hosts with his partner Gabriele Reinersmann a diligent fundraiser.

Guests included Maggie Entenfellner, Thomas Angermeier, Miriam He, Georg Kraft-Keynes, Gabriel Reinersmann, ORF peerage expert Marion Hauser, Andrea Handler, Konstanze Breitbner, Michael Schotenberg, Esser Akbaba, Nadja Bernhard, and host Ossie Schillmann.

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