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Siemens Graz delivered the 2000 No. running gear for the Vectron locomotive from «»

Siemens Graz delivered the 2000 No. running gear for the Vectron locomotive from «»

The SF4 chassis for use in the high-performance Vectron locomotive has been produced at the Siemens Global Competence Center in Graz since 2010.

13.42, 04. May 2021

© Siemens Mobility

Siemens Mobility with its cart production in Graz has these days 2000 # SF4 running gear delivered for use in the high-performance Vectron locomotive. Running gears have been produced in Graz since 2010. The 1,000th piece left the factory in 2018She said on Tuesday on a broadcast from Siemens Mobility. According to CEO Arnulf Wolfram, tires from Styria are “efficient, economical and smooth.”

The chassis of the SF4 locomotive Designed for a maximum operating speed of 230 km / h and a wheel load of 22.5 tons. Since it is largely standardized and modular, it can be adapted to the specific requirements of each country. In addition, there is particularly cheap maintenance, because it is easy to reach the points to be inspected and components subject to corrosion. In addition to “Europalok” Vectron, US versions of the SF4 chassis are also used, for example, in Amtrak Cities Sprinters or Chargers.

Around 1,100 men and women work at the Siemens Mobility site in Graz. About 2,500 vehicles are produced every year. Currently 80 trainees are offered training, 20 new vocational training places will be offered as of September. Applications are now open.

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