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Signs of a severe anxiety disorder

Signs of a severe anxiety disorder

Do you constantly feel anxious and restless despite achieving high goals and standards? You may have severe job anxiety disorder. Learn more about it in this article.

Signs of a severe anxiety disorder

Last updated: July 17, 2023

High-functioning anxiety disorder is challenging Which many people face silently. They have strong symptoms of anxiety, although they appear to be very successful and efficient in everyday life. This feeling can have a significant impact on the well-being and quality of life of those affected.

In this article, we analyze the factors that contribute to the development of this anxiety disorder and the signs that indicate it. We will also look at some practical strategies that can help those affected.

High-functioning anxiety disorder: what is it?

In the case of high-grade job anxiety disorder (high job anxiety), sufferers are usually in everyday life functional and unrestricted. However, there are very unpleasant consequences in the long run.

Mostly about High performing people and perfectionistsWho strive to achieve high goals and standards. They participate and achieve excellent results at work, in their studies or in sports. However, behind their apparent success lies a consistently high level of fear.

Symptoms include Insomnia, excessive anxiety, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, difficulty relaxing, irritability, difficulty sleeping And the constant alarm. In addition, these people are usually very self-critical and overly demanding of themselves.

Outwardly, those affected appear to be successful and well-adapted, A.J However, a severe functioning anxiety disorder has a significant impact on quality of life. Strong internal pressure often leads to the fact that they cannot be happy with their successes and cannot find peace.

How do you recognize severe functioning anxiety disorder?

the South African College of Applied Psychology indicates that There is no official diagnosis of severe anxiety. However, it is a condition that has a significant impact on the lives of those affected.

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The most common symptoms include:

  1. Perfectionism People with high functioning anxiety can be identified by their tendency to be a perfectionist. They are very afraid of making mistakes or failing.
  2. Excessive self-claims: Affected people constantly put themselves under pressure and demand to excel in all areas of their lives, be it work, study or personal relationships. They are never satisfied with their achievements and are always looking for external recognition and validation.
  3. Mental hyperactivity: You have a racing mind that is constantly preoccupied with thoughts and concerns. They find it difficult to relax and unwind, even in quiet moments. Being constantly awake can lead to problems concentrating and sleeping.
  4. Avoid stressful situations: Despite their apparent success, they tend to avoid situations that they find stressful or threatening. They may feel overwhelmed by the idea of ​​facing challenges and experience extreme anticipatory anxiety.
  5. difficulties to help AsksAffected people tend to be overly independent. They find it difficult to ask for help or to delegate tasks. They feel they have to do everything on their own and are afraid of being seen as weak or incompetent.

If you notice these signs in yourself or someone close to you, you should consult a mental health professional. She can help you understand these symptoms and develop coping strategies to boost your emotional health.

Contributing factors to the development of high-functioning anxiety disorder

The following factors can lead to a high functioning anxiety disorder.

Painful experiences

Past trauma from abuse, a major loss, or stressful events can increase vulnerability.

learned perfectionism

Sometimes perfectionism and exaggerated self-demanding develop over the course of life, eg through the influence of demanding authority figures or a competitive environment. This thought pattern can become ingrained and contribute to severe functioning anxiety disorder.

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Genetic and biological factors

one in the magazine Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience The published work, as well as other research, warns that anxiety may be partly genetic. Certain genes increase the risk of developing this mental disorder. However, genetics alone is not the determining factor.

Chronic anxiety

Constant stress, whether at work, school, or in personal life, can trigger and perpetuate this condition. A lack of time to rest and recover, as well as a lack of appropriate coping strategies, can contribute to poor mental health.

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Social pressure and external expectations

Society’s high demands and environmental expectations can place additional stress on individuals, especially those who are prone to anxiety. The need to meet high standards and to constantly compare yourself to others is a factor to consider.

Generally High functioning anxiety can be influenced by a combination of genetic and biological factors, as well as life experiences Become. It is important to remember that each person is unique and experiences different circumstances that contribute to their anxiety.

High-functioning anxiety disorder: what to do?

Dealing with high-functioning anxiety requires a holistic approach. Those affected need to develop better self-awareness, learn to set boundaries and seek support. Relaxation techniques, self-reflection, and self-care are also helpful for finding balance and calm.

The following strategies can help reduce anxiety and achieve greater emotional well-being:

  1. Self awareness and acceptanceRecognize and accept your fearful feelings and thoughts as part of your experience. Cultivate self-compassion and self-care, and don’t judge yourself for your fear.
  2. Set limits: Learn to say no when necessary and set healthy boundaries for your responsibilities and obligations. Priorities are important to your well-being: learn to delegate tasks.
  3. Practice relaxation techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga into your daily routine. These exercises will help you reduce anxiety and find moments of calm.
  4. I’m looking for support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Consider psychotherapy to gain tools and develop coping skills to help you deal with your fears.
  5. Maintain a balance between work and rest: Prioritize rest time, free time, and activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Develop a routine that includes relaxing moments and time-outs to release built-up stress.
  6. Practice self-reflection: Examine your thought patterns and challenge irrational or idealistic beliefs. Work to replace negative thoughts with realistic and compassionate thoughts.
  7. Encourage self-care: Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough rest. Take care of your physical health, because the body and mind are closely related.

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High functioning anxiety disorder can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can handle it very well. Implementing the above measures can help reduce anxiety and achieve better mental and emotional health.

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High functioning anxiety disorder: There are always ways…

By recognizing the signs of high-functioning anxiety disorder and understanding the contributing factors, you can develop coping strategies to help you cope. Self-care, healthy boundaries, and support are essential to living a balanced life and reducing anxiety. Since each person is unique, different approaches and approaches are required. Do not hesitate to ask for professional support!

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