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Ski stars flee the Matterhorn!  ÖSV with a crazy plan

Ski stars flee the Matterhorn! ÖSV with a crazy plan

After training for the races on the weekend (all races are broadcast live Sport1) It was already chaos on Thursday in Zermatt due to strong winds and heavy snowfall, and there was no training on Friday.

If the races can be held on the weekend, the ski stars will have to compete in the World Cup premiere in Zermatt after just one practice round. This is also possible in terms of regulations, as only one training is necessary. This happened on Wednesday.

In order to be able to spend their training time on the slopes, five ÖSV stars took action Drastic measure: They got in the car and drove to Gargoyle. Austrian team coach Marco Pfeiffer explained: “The weather was clear – I think this move worked.” Crown-Newspaper.

But as good as the training has been for Marco Schwarz and his teammates, the training site in Ötztal is also more than a six-and-a-half-hour drive from the World Cup site.

So, if the race is still held on Saturday, the return journey will seem a long way off when starting on time for the planned 11.30am start.

But ÖSV has already developed an alternative plan. If they think the weather allows for a race, they will put Schwartz, who wants to win the overall World Cup this year, in a helicopter. He will then be in Zermatt within 90 minutes.

Pfeiffer is already working to nip any emerging criticism of this plan in the bud: “I support this decision, as long as we actually get it back – the opportunity to train on the downhill race at Gurgul was worth it.”

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However, if there is a cancellation, according to information received from the Swiss Scenery Contingency Plan: Monday will be available as an alternate date. FIS Director Markus Waldner hopes that the races will still be possible.

“We need support from Mother Nature. Let’s hope the weather is on our side,” Waldner said.

In addition to the new snow reported, strong winds are also expected over the weekend. This is common at this time of year.