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So the cultural summer in Vienna becomes “Lederzent”.

So the cultural summer in Vienna becomes “Lederzent”.

40 days, 40 stages, 1,000 acts and a grand opening party are going to kick off.

The start of the 2021 cultural summer is approaching in great strides: on July 3, 2021 the grand opening concert will take place at the Rathausplatz. Initiated and executed by Wiener Konzerthaus, performed by ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra under the direction of lead conductor Maren Allsopp, the event symbolizes humanity, diversity and joy. The World Anniversary Project “All Together – A Global Anthem of Joy” sees the symphony as a twenty-first century call for unity, justice and self-determination.

“It was not possible to find a more appropriate slogan than ‘Joy’ after so many months of pandemic action,” says Veronica Kaup Hassler, a member of the Vienna City Council for Culture. “I cordially invite everyone to celebrate the start of a wonderful cultural summer with us in the Vienna City Hall Square on 3 July. Let yourself be surprised by the artistic interventions and text by Michael Kollmayer, if that ORF The Radio Symphony Orchestra, led by principal conductor Maren Allsopp, performs one of the most famous pieces of music: Beethoven’s Giant Ninth Symphony. “Ode to Joy”, today the official EU anthem, sung by the Superar Choir with 30 children from 15 countries, must strike us with their courageous spirit and give us hope.”

international stars

Star percussionist Christoph Setzen as well as Salah Amo (Bosuki, vocals) and Peter Gapes (percussion) will now mingle their own way into Beethoven’s music at the concert on July 3rd. The famous Austrian writer Michael Kollmier reinterpreted the text of the “Poem of Joy” for a performance at Rathaus Square. The vocal quartet with soprano Marisol Montalvo, mezzo-soprano Teresa Krontaler, tenor Ilker Arkaurek and bass Jung Min Park is cosmopolitan and multicultural. In addition to the Wiener Singakademie, the Children’s Superar Choir can be heard, in which children from 15 countries are represented.

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The concert starts at 8.30pm, the event area can be accessed from 5pm, admission is free and visitors don’t have to book. However, the 3-G rule and the obligation to register in person on the site apply.

The stage program begins in a few days

Just a few days later, on July 8th, the summer cultural program begins in 16 locations accessible to all Viennese residents. You can see, hear and experience almost the entire spectrum of Vienna’s arts and culture. Pop, rock, hip-hop, soul, indie and classical, dance, theater and performance, cabaret, comedy and casual theatre, readings, spoken and poetic, multicultural formats, participatory and interdisciplinary, contemporary circus, character theatre, jazz, folk and writing Songs, electronics, experimental music, Austropop, Wiener Lied, folk music, Schlager – there’s room for all this and more in Six Weeks of Cultural Summer.

Lighting of the Twin Towers © stadtwienmarketing / ADownstairsAffair

The twin towers and city hall shone

Until the opening of the cultural summer, the twin towers and town hall will be radiant in order to whet the appetite for the most diverse and extensive live cultural program in Vienna. Mayor Michael Ludwig said: “We have all been eagerly awaiting not only the return of summer in Vienna, but above all the return of art and culture. Cultural Summer 2021 is an expression of joy and optimism, I warmly invite you: go to the different places and make the cultural summer your festival too. !” (red)