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Solar company Mayerburger begins production in the US

Meyer Burger later wants to operate a solar cell factory in Colorado Springs - Bitterfeld-Wolfen, APA/AFP

Swiss solar company Mayer Burger is making progress in moving its core business to the US. Production of solar modules has begun in Arizona and progress has also been made in planned solar cell production. A strategic joint venture is also being undertaken with an American technology group. The company announced on Tuesday that a new solar module factory in Arizona has met all the necessary testing standards to start production.

The solar cells needed to scale up to volume production will initially be manufactured at the German site in Thalheim. A solar cell factory in Colorado Springs is planned to be operational later.

It said the exact timetable for starting solar cell production in the US still depends on financing. Loan agreements are currently being negotiated with a major US bank and are on target to close by the middle of the third quarter. The company is seeking export financing from a major German bank.

Mayor Burger announced that negotiations for a strategic partnership with a “leading American technology group” are well advanced. The commercial agreement was negotiated until it was “ready for signature.” Here again, Mayor Burger expects a binding agreement to be reached in the third quarter.

The company has also secured another procurement contract in the US: a long-term contract with a new major customer for a total volume said to be 1.75 gigawatts. The agreement is renewable for three years and becomes effective upon the start of solar cell production in Colorado.
