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St. Florian Academy Choir 2023: Be part of the St.  Florian Bruckner Days 2023!

St. Florian Academy Choir 2023: Be part of the St. Florian Bruckner Days 2023!

Dear singers, dear choral lovers!
We can finally organize a choir academy again as part of the St. Florian Bruckner Days. Since 2012, some of Bruckner’s great works have been performed in the abbey’s basilica, each featuring around 80 singers.
At our 2023 Festival we will have Bruckner’s largest psalm setting, Psalm 146, on program alongside the Altomonte Orchestra under the direction of “Resident Conductor” Remy Ballot. Most of this work was created during his time in Florian and completed in Linz in 1856 and 1858. The special feature of this cantata-like composition is the double choir system, which is why we are allowed to work with two experienced choral teachers “ob” and “lower” the Enns Edgar Wolf, who has already led several choir academies at Bruckner Days and Regens Chori of the St. Florian, Martin Zeller, who also works as choir director at the Linz Music Theatre. In the course of this concert, Bruckner’s symphony “0” will also be performed.
We would all be very happy if this choral work was heard at the master’s grave with many enthusiastic singers.
With musical regards, Matthias Jessen

CHOIR Academy – as part of the Str. Happy birthday Ibrahim 2023
Date: Fri, 08/11/2023 – Sat, 19/08/2023
Subject: Confrontational Choral Music by Anton Bruckner
Literature: Anton Bruckner, Psalm 146, mixed four-part double choir, soloists, large orchestra
Experienced choir singers from Upper Austria and neighboring Enns-Donauwinkel are invited to study rarely performed work as part of a choral academy. Rehearsals take place in the “Florian Hall” of the St. Florian State School of Music. At the end of Saint Florian Bruckner’s Days, the work will be performed in the basilica with the Altomonte orchestra conducted by Remy Ballot.
Volume XX / 4 from the complete edition by Anton Bruckner at the Vienna Music Publishing House. / Psalm 146 – Shorthand for Piano. Released in first rehearsal on Friday, August 11, 2023.
Scores are the property of the participants.
An organizational fee of €80.00 is required to participate. This amount includes a piano reduction, an introduction to the work, choral vocal training in action, a buffet after the concert, and a ticket to visit the concert.

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Study chairs

Martin Zeller, choirmaster
He studied music and geography at school and church in Stuttgart, and choir and orchestra work in Vienna. He has been working as Deputy Choir Director at the Landestheater Linz since 2012. As Regens Curie, he has been directing the St. Florian Abbey Choir since 2018. He is also Director of the Bruckner Choir Linz. In his spare time, he also likes to arrange and compose something, especially for choir.
Edgar Woolf, choirmaster
It was from the Vienna Boys Choir. In addition to teaching at the Hauptschule in the Haag, he studied singing pedagogy at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He is a member of the Choir Director Training Program for the Lower Austrian Choral Scene. At the Austrian Choral Society he was responsible for further training courses for choir directors. He now holds singing days for singers over 60 in Austria and South Tyrol. He is one of the founders of the St. Florian Choir Academy as part of the “St. Florian Bruckner Days”.

Please mail or e-mail us the choir recording.

By mail: Chorherrenstift St. Florian, Stiftsladen, z. Attn: Mrs. Victoria Wall, Stiftstraße 1, 4490 Florian Str

By e-mail: [email protected] – Subject: CHAK registration