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Street Fighter 6: Finally: the return of the popular character

Street Fighter 6: Finally: the return of the popular character

As is known, Street Fighter 6 was not released with all the characters planned. This means that Capcom could still seriously add new fighters to the roster, including some fan favorites whose absence wasn't necessarily received positively.

For example, many long-time Street Fighter fans miss M. Bison. The Undead Lord may not necessarily be considered a popular character in the series' story, but players will still enjoy using his brutal attacks.

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After missing the launch of Street Fighter 6, M. Bison is now entering year two of the brawling game. Of course, the character is not available for free, you can get it either for 350 Fighter Coins or as part of the Character or Ultimate Pass. The Character Pass costs €29.99, which can be converted into a single purchase worth around €7.

Of course, Capcom is not only keeping the character itself, but also offering content and updates specifically designed for M. Bison for various game modes:

  • a trip around the world
    • M. Bison main quests added

  • Battlefield
    • M. Bison Story has been added to Arcade Mode

  • Shop
    • The store now offers the M. Bisons 2 costume, as well as the 1 costume in colors 3-10

  • Additional Features/Updates
    • Selected music tracks from previous Street Fighter installments can now be played in the pre-match challenge screen
    • In replays, 1.1x and 1.2x playback speeds are now available as well as a “Rewind Frame” function (only applicable when the video is paused)
    • The health indicator flashes when it is possible to use a crit art
    • Added a shortcut to Training Mode in the main menu
    • In Versus mode, the display of win/loss results for offline matches/tournaments can be reset

Of course, many more characters will be coming to Street Fighter 6 in Year 2. For example, Capcom promised capoeira master Elena as well as Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui from SNK's Fatal Fury series. The latter are actually the first-ever guest characters in Street Fighter history.

Street Fighter 6 – Release: The trailer shows M. Bison in action

M. Bison is now available as a new fighter via update in Street Fighter 6.

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