Created on August 02, 2022 | 23:45

Reading time: 2 minutes


Wild hairstyles like those of Maid Juliette (Theresa Grabner) also cause laughter.

Christian Hussar

eA love story full of drama and great feelings can be seen in the glass-roofed summer square in Baden.

A penniless Josephine (delicate and cheerful: Ivana Zdravkova) falls in love with the young general Napoleon Bonaparte (full of passion: Vincent Schirmacher). After many ups and downs, which put the young couple to a difficult test, Napoleon crowns himself and Josephine as Emperor and Empress in a grand finale.

In addition to all the drama, the humor isn’t neglected either: Not only are comedic duo Teresa Grabner (as Juliet’s Maid) and Thomas Malik (as Corporal Bernard) — their gigantic hairstyles and beards also have a little laugh.

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The only downside: the microphones can be a little louder in some cases.

Conclusion: a fun and engaging evening with great feelings.