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Summer in Korneuburg – The “Bunten Sommer” replacement program is still playing all the pieces

Summer in Korneuburg – The “Bunten Sommer” replacement program is still playing all the pieces

Again this year it was nothing with Pontoon Summer. As is known, this series of fun events was created during the holiday season a few years ago. Then came the epidemic. Just last year, starter Christian Fitz believed in a revival this year. Nothing came of it, Mayor Christian Jebb explained: “We are running out of time. A course of this dimension requires long-term planning. This also includes raising sponsorship money, which has been so scarce this year due to uncertain times, that a colorful summer cannot be financed with a clear conscience.” Many events that guarantee a celebration for the residents almost every summer week.

The Vespers meeting, the Italian and French markets, and the Day of Volunteers have already been completed. The mayor’s barbecue tour, the “Summer Terrace” music session, held every Thursday, creative days, concerts with Tini Kainrath and Christian Becker at the town hall or a Monti Beton performance and shipyard highlights, just to name a few, started actually.

As previously mentioned, a concert is held every Thursday as part of the “Summer Porch” course in front of the City Hall’s music café/bar. NÖN attended Patrizia Ferrara’s performance last week. She gave her best in a very relaxed and charming way – her voice and her musical ability. With the songs from her “Solid Ground” CD and some covers of Duffy, Amy Winehouse or The Beatles, the party was capped off with a breathtaking version of Gershwin’s “Summer.” Accompanied by its regular band, the flamboyant keyboardist Wolfo Schmidt and legendary OSTINATO founder Thomas Boruch on drums.

In addition to the many regular guests, R@dio Korneuburg’s Nana Sattler, Jens Meerkötter, Peter Pawlicky and actress Eva Billisich were visibly excited on the fully booked summer terrace.

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