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SUNSTORM – Brothers in arms

SUNSTORM – Brothers in arms

For many years, record companies have created so-called “supergroups” or projects to give musicians the opportunity to create additional, often different music, along with their main areas of activity and to satisfy fanatical fans. As is known, the absolute leaders in terms of projects are the people from Frontiers Records, who contribute significantly to songwriting, production and keyboards from Alessandro Del Vecchio. One of the most important and successful was founded in 2006 around star Joe Lynn Turner: SUNSTORM. After five albums, the former Rainbow, Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force, Deep Purple, and many other singers left, and all the original comrades gradually left and were replaced by mainly Italian musicians. One of the – besides Alessandro – who seems to be missing from any Frontiers activity is Ronnie Romero on the mic, and he’s there for the second time. It would be interesting to ask why the name SUNSTORM is still used.

But the catch is that the underlying musical direction hasn’t changed much: melodic rock with slight AOR borrowings, deeply rooted in the late 1970s and early 1980s. As with their role models RAINBOW, WHITESNAKE, DEEP PURPLE and the like, guitar and keyboard instruments are on par, especially when Hammond à la Don Airey’s instrument hammer or Jon Lord is on some tracks or new string magician Simone Mularoni offers fragile. Solos and riffs.

As with its predecessor “Afterlife”, variety is the order of the day with “Brothers In Arms”: strong, energetic rock with melody and harmony, matched by a somewhat heavy Chilean sound. Medium tempo songs are also represented with catchy melodies and refrain and tracks with a certain AOR touch. Of course, an authentic song (“Back to My Dreams”) is also essential. The Italian-Chilean Brotherhood of Arms is recommended for all hard-rock fans of hard rock.

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