With the widescreen breakthrough, Super Mario World can finally be played on 16:9 screens. © Nintendo
31 years after publication Super Mario World for him Super Nintendo They are pirates Vitor Villa Already succeeded in popularity jump and run to 16:9– And the 16:10Optimize screens. In ultra-wide resolutions 2: 1 And the 21:9 I am also currently working. for hacking Horizontal resolution extended by 96 pixels This should be but Not supported on console You must sign up for the patched game with an extension HD- Emulator bsnes-hd can help you.
Super Mario World fit as classic par excellence and also delivered as a bundle with popular game consoles.
How it works?
- One Super Mario World on our site 16:10 screen To be able to have fun, we first need one US version ROM from the game.
- Then we download a file Arida – Hack Von Fitor Villa Under.
- to me take On Our ROM Also Application We need the program stir (Download for Windows), which is hidden in the floating.zip file.
- from zip file ملف Start we flips.exe and click patch application.
- Now, we have to First select the downloaded hack And after confirming it then ROM.
- Now we have to For our hacked ROM another one Select a location to save it.
- Then we need it config file (right mouse button / save link as), which is in the same folder How The newly created ROM must be located. for every shortening Already in this file 16:9 he sat. For example, if we want to change the resolution to 16:10 format, we just have to overwrite the file with a text editor of our choice.
- Finally Start we are ours HD-emulator (bsnes_hd.exe) and choose under System / Game Download These are from us debugged ROM Outside.
Yoshi’s ride through the 16:10 landscape from Super Mario World feels like it was once again. – Only better. © Nintendo
more information
- For a better gaming experience it is recommended under Settings / Size This is on 4x (960p) to ask as well Shader (Settings/Shader) with “None” disable.
- On Settings / Input one up in konfiguration controller.
- by key F11 you put on Screen Zoom a.
Nintendo Tales has a long history
Argonaut’s Super FX chip made games like Starwing possible on Super Nintendo in the first place. © Nintendo
One of the most famous hacks on Nintendo was that of the team in ArgonautWhen the developers succeeded in 1993 on game boy Not only bypassing the security system but also creating 3D graphics on it. nintendo She was so impressed that she managed to get the team jeez san They were invited to a presentation at Nintendo’s headquarters in Japan. What followed was not only the beginning of a long-term cooperation between the two companies, but also the development of Super fx chips for him SNES – Its own 3D graphics games like fox star (In this country: starwing) made this possible in the first place.
And who knows, maybe wave to Vitor Villa Soon call too nintendo?
We will definitely keep our fingers crossed!
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