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Table/ECB: Bond holdings rising slower last week | 07.06.22

Frankfurt (Dow Jones) – Holdings of Central European System bonds increased at a slightly slower pace than before for the week ending June 3, 2022. The European Central Bank (ECB) made the following statements:


Figures in billions Euros June 3, 2022 May 27, 2022 Change from previous week

APP * Total 3252.587 3248.374 +4.213 +1.263

–Open Bonds 2.584,792 2.581,233 +3.559 +0.155.59

Corporate bonds 341,587 341,298 +0.289 +1,348.348

Covered bonds 300,181 299,919 +0.262 +0.798

–ABS 26.027 25.924 +0.103 -1.038

PEPP ** TOTAL 1,697,967 1,700,153 -2,186 +1,949

APP and PEPP Total 4950,554 4948.527 +2.027 +3.212


– Data source: European Central Bank

– Figures include purchases through the Wednesday before the deadline

* Asset Purchase Program (APP) – APP stocks will increase by the end of the second quarter. The monthly purchase volume was 40 billion euros in April and 30 billion euros in May. It is expected to drop to 20 billion in June. Net purchases will be discontinued in the third quarter. National central banks buy government bonds at their own risk, reinvesting the capital within a year and for as long as possible.

** Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program (PEPP) – PEPP has ended, and national central banks are only reinvesting reimbursement amounts. There may be fluctuations in inventory from week to week, but this must be balanced on a monthly basis. Central banks buy public bonds at their own risk, and fully reinvest them by the end of 2024. The European Central Bank publishes details every two months.

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June 07, 2022 09:43 ET (13:43 GMT)