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Taking Precautions for Dementia – Herzog Culture

Taking Precautions for Dementia – Herzog Culture

Image: JDG/Pixabay
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The idea of ​​​​care in the event of illness and the need for care should not be postponed until the end, for your own benefit and for the benefit of your relatives. Taking precautions in advance for life's eventualities makes the situation easier. In Germany, kinship care is the largest care service, and anyone taking care of and supporting a relative should not ignore the legal and financial aspects. Have important documents been sorted, powers of attorney and living wills organised, and what about maintenance obligations if care at home is no longer possible?

Christian Gulas, a specialist lawyer in Jülich, will address these topics and their questions on Monday, June 17. The information event will be held at the Caritas St. Hildegard Nursing and Nursing Centre, Merkatorstraße 31, in Jülich, from 5pm to 6:30pm. For further questions and to register, please call the Dementia Department on 024 2196 7614 or email [email protected] available. Participation is free.

The event will also be presented in two sessions on Friday, June 28.

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