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Taverna Pericles – a cultural initiative Gmund presented works by Fischer and Herzog

Taverna Pericles – a cultural initiative Gmund presented works by Fischer and Herzog

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Peter Herzog, Hans-Martin Fischer, Trixie Fischer-Simon and Harald Buchhocker were delighted by the lively interest in the vernissage at Taverna Pericles.

Brigitte Kugler

Werke by Hans-Martin Vischer and Peter Herzog now adorn the walls of Taverna Pericles in Gmünd.

After a long break, the “Sign of Life” from the Gmund Cultural Initiative has appeared again. On March 7, she invited people to Taverna Pericles, where the works of former Gmünder chief of surgery Hans Martin Fischer and social worker and men's counselor Peter Herzog can now be viewed.

“Showing the heart is a very intimate thing,” Trixie Fisher-Simon stressed, and asked for applause for herself as she was able to pull off the joint exhibition of the two humble people. The images are made in different styles – Fischer has been painting for decades in order to relax, and according to him, Herzog's images are created “without intention” and are a statement of psychological purity.

The concert was musically accompanied by Trixi Vischer-Simon – “Since it's a low-budget project, I have to sing myself” – and Harald Buchhocker on keyboard.

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