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Tesla stake: Tesla employees called by IG Metall to vote for business council |  02/21/22

Tesla stake: Tesla employees called by IG Metall to vote for business council | 02/21/22

Ahead of a labor council election at US electric car maker Tesla in Grünheide scheduled for next Monday, labor union IG Metall has called on employees to vote.

“There is a lot at stake in the First Works Council election at the German Tesla plant,” IG Metall district manager Birgitte Dietz confirmed Monday in Grunheide. Tesla’s future business council faces significant challenges, but it also has a great deal of creative freedom. “Hence my appeal to all employees: Dear fellow Tesla colleagues, participate in the Tesla Business Council elections, if possible!” Dietze said.

According to IG Metall’s current findings, Tesla already has 2,600 employees in Grünheide near Berlin. According to the Employment Agency in Frankfurt (Oder), about 200 unemployed people received promises of work, half of whom were initially qualified by Tesla.

The unionist explained that shortly before the production site, many things had not been or had not yet been regulated for the benefit of the employees. This is one of the reasons why job boards are representative and act independently of management. At the same time, Dietz noted that staff from production will have a particularly tough time in this election, given that the workforce is not yet fully recruited. According to IG Metall, only employees who have been employed for a period of six months on election day may run for the job board. This does not apply to most employees in production. According to Tesla, the majority of management and engineering positions are currently occupied.

The American electric car manufacturer has built an automobile plant in Grünheide, which is allowed to produce up to 2,000 vehicles for testing purposes. The company has so-called early approvals for this. The construction was also based on such temporary decisions and was therefore on the responsibility of the company. The final approval of the state of Brandenburg is still missing. So far the company has assumed that the car plant can produce 500,000 cars per year at full capacity.

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