Benjamin Kunath is ill. No antibiotic will help against his infection. Finally, he undergoes treatment with almost forgotten phages in Georgia. Is it the solution for him and a global problem?
We can help you,” Benjamin Kunath promised. After all, we are not in Germany here. Kunath is sitting on a sofa bed in a hotel room in the center of Tbilisi, looking up at the wall, a tear running down his cheek. In Germany, it is seen as a hopeless case, as one that medicine no longer knows what to do. Here in the Georgian capital, in a run-down hospital on On the banks of the Kura, his last hope lies for a near-forgotten cure for unknown viruses.
Kunath’s story of woe begins on a summer night in July 2017. Just before 5 am, he is racing downhill in Wolkenstein, Saxony, his hometown. He’s on his way to the morning shift as an HD miller at a factory in the next town. He’s been doing it this way for years, bike racing is his big hobby. There wasn’t one on the street. Until this day.
Complications begin after surgery
A man steps in front of his front door, not looking at the street, at this time he thinks he is alone. Konath rings the bell, then turns left, then farther until there is no more space. It’s too late to brake. The man hits 50 kilometers per hour, rolls, his racing bike shoes tear off the clipless pedals …
“Total coffee aficionado. Travel buff. Music ninja. Bacon nerd. Beeraholic.”
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