Bachelorette Maxime Herboard and Raphael Fashion can be seen here as part of the RTL show.
Photo: TVNOW
Is Bachelorette Governor Maxime Herbord still with her chosen one Raphael Fasching or did they decide after a short time to go their separate ways again? This is the question viewers of Season 8 of RTL Dome Show have been asking themselves more or less since its finale on September 15.
doubts about Link It is also completely unfounded. After the finale, Maxim and Raphael revealed at the reunion that the two weren’t quite a stable pair yet: “We want to save ourselves a little bit of stress,” the former “Bachelor” candidate said at the time. The two allegedly met several times.
So far, however, only one photo of the two on Raphael’s Instagram channel attests to the first date after the show was taped. Austria and the Pink Lady spend their daily lives and even vacations in Greece separately from each other. Now even Raphael’s former TV rival seemed to gossip a bit: on a party night in Stuttgart, he called the show’s winner a single.
The winner of the ‘Bachelor’ program must be single
The 23-year-old is still trying to deny the rumors that are already circulating. A source close to the two revealed that Maxim sent him ice cold The WhatsApp It must be flooded. At the weekend he met up with some other former candidates from the line to celebrate in Stuttgart – Max Adrio, Dario Carlucci and Leon Knudsen were among the party.
However, Jonathan Steing’s post on his story seems particularly interesting. He, Julian Dunnemann and Raphael can be seen on the selfie. The hot thing about it was Jonathan’s comment:
“We’re all single, ladies. Attack.”
Jonathan Steing claims that “The Bachelor” winner Raphael was not taken.
Build: screenshot / Instagram / jonasteinig
That Raphael in the hustle and bustle party You didn’t accidentally come across the photo, and the fact that Jonathan explicitly linked it to it seems to prove, among other things. Raphael himself did not initially comment on this claim, but it is also notable that he republished a number of the evening’s posts – but left the single post.
Maxim and Raphael are silent about the status of their relationship.
Photo: TVNOW
Now Raphael speaks clearly about the state of the relationship between the two
employment Instagram Finally, the 23-year-old spoke in person and, after much speculation about the state of their relationship, clarified how things really stand with the two. “I thought for a long time how best to tell you this, and now I’ve come to the decision that I’m doing it that way now”Raphael said at first.
Every day he would receive countless messages from his community asking him how and if things were going with him and Maxim. “I didn’t go into it on purpose simply because I didn’t have the answer to these questions myself.”, explained the winner of “The Bachelor”. However, now he has this, Rafael finally revealed and shared fans With:
“Since the Frauke-Ludowig-Show, I’ve had almost no contact with Maxime unfortunately. I pulled off a bit. I just wanted to know how to go on, what’s the matter, whether it continues, try it or not. I can handle everything, but I I just want clarity. And I have it now. I got through to it a few days ago. We talked completely and came to the decision that we won’t get to know each other anymore. Because I currently have no place for me in their lives.”
Frauke Ludowig spoke to Maxime and the show’s previous nominees about the season.
Photo: TVNOW
On top of that: “It’s a pity, of course. At least I have clarity now, because the last few weeks I didn’t know what was going on. I had no idea how it would continue, if it would last, and now I know it won’t. I have to come to terms with her. who – which life continuous.” In the end, he said he was able to distract himself quite well this weekend because he was at a birthday party in Stuttgart, where he also posed for the photo of the three former ‘Bachelor’ nominees. Under the guidance of the 27-year-old, he concluded: “I wish Maxim all the best in her life and plans.”
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