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The best way to monitor Perseids today

The best way to monitor Perseids today

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to: Tanya Banner

Falling stars create trails of light in the sky - an impressive sight in the night sky.
Falling stars create trails of light in the sky – an impressive sight in the night sky. © Imago / Silvio Dietrich

In August, the falling stars of the Perseids streak across the night sky. Even if the moon disturbs, you can experience an unforgettable shooting star night.

Frankfurt – This is no secret That in summer you can see a lot of stars falling in the sky be. This is partly due to the convergence of several shooting star streams in July – but it is also arguably the most famous and popular shooting star stream of the year: the Perseids. The meteor shower becomes active as early as July and remains so until about the end of August. Maximum Perseids falls around August 12th each year. Then run up to 100 shooting stars In the clock across the night sky.

If you have many unfulfilled desires and want to experience an unforgettable shooting star night, you should enter the night of August 12-13 on your calendar. That night will probably see the most meteors in the sky – but there’s a catch in 2022. Best way to observe the falling stars and with any observation tips Shooting star night will not be forgotten.

Night star meteor in August: What are Perseids and how are meteors formed?

The Earth revolves around the sun and regularly crosses the paths of comets in its orbit through space. On about August 12th each year, Earth crosses the path of Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Comets leave behind particles of dust and pebbles in their orbit in space – through which the Earth flies. It is this dust that sets off falling stars: the particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere, burn there and cause the air particles in the atmosphere to glow. On Earth, this luminous phenomenon can be viewed as a meteor star. Astrologically, falling stars are also called meteors.

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Star shooting stars in August: What is the cap for Perseids 2022?

On the night of August 12 to 13, 2022 at about 3 a.m., the Earth crosses a point in the comet’s orbit where a very large amount of dust has accumulated. Accordingly, most shooting stars can be seen at this time – if you want to experience an unforgettable shooting star night, you should enter this date in your calendar. However, with the Perseids, more meteors can be seen on the nights before the maximum. From about August 9, it is worth looking for the Perseids. But even before then, you can be in luck: In July, the Perseids are intertwined with several smaller streams of falling stars, so you can still see shooting stars darting across the sky.

common name Laurentius’ tears
a period 17.07-24.08.
Max 2022 August 13, 2022, around 3 a.m.
radians Perseus constellation
Star meteors per hour (ZHR) up to 100
Source: IMO Meteor Shower Calendar

Shooting Stars Night 2022: What is the best time to watch a shooting star?

In fact, Max Perseids is the best time to experience an unforgettable shooting star night. In 2022, night falls on the weekend. But there is a big problem this year: August 12, 2022 full moon. Moreover, it is one A giant moon that is a little brighter and bigger It appears as a “normal” moon whose light can cast a shadow on some falling stars. However, you should be able to see many meteors – without the bright star the moon However, more will be possible. when watching Shooting stars also play the weather Role.

If you have a lot of open wishes, you can start counting meteors as early as mid-July. Around July 30, conditions are perfect: the deciduous star stream in the south of the delta is at its maximum, and many smaller deciduous star streams and Perseids are active. In addition, moonlight does not disturb the watch.

Tips for Night Watching Shooting Stars: How to Watch for a Shooting Star?

Observing falling stars is very easy: you don’t need any optical aids like telescopes or binoculars, and you don’t need to get familiar with the night sky. The most important prerequisite for an unforgettable night of falling stars is the observation site: it should be as dark as possible and allow a good view of the sky. You should also find a place to lie down (a blanket or a deck chair) in order to get the most comfortable observation position. Regardless, you should consider comfortable and warm clothes – even on summer nights it can get cold.

shooting star calendar

Here you can find out When most shooting stars race across the sky.

If you fulfill these requirements, then there is only one thing left: look at the starry sky. The best viewing position is lying down, where it is easier and more comfortable to find it. In addition, you have the best overall view and you can see the most falling stars. The following applies: Be patient – the pauses between falling stars can seem very long.

Perseus 2022: The stars appear to be emerging from the constellation Perseus

If you trace the path of the shooting star to its origin, it seems that they all emanate from one place in the night sky – the so-called radiator. In the case of the Perseids, it is the constellation Perseus from which the stream of falling stars takes its name. The constellation appears above the horizon to the northeast after dark and continues to climb the sky as the night progresses. However, the following mainly applies: falling stars can appear anywhere in the sky, and you do not have to focus on the radiation. However, it is advisable not to look towards the moon because it is very bright.

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Perseid Shooting Star Night: How many shooting stars can you see in an hour?

For the Perseid meteor shower, the maximum number of falling stars per hour has been set as 100 by the International Meteorite Organization (IMO). But this value, called ZHR (Excess Hour Rate), is deceptive, because it is a value that requires ideal monitoring conditions. This means: the sky should be really dark, the entire night sky should be visible. In addition, the radiation of the falling star stream – in the case of the constellation Perseus – should be at its zenith, that is, at the highest point in the sky. These conditions are difficult to fulfill. But this is also not important: if the sky is clear, you should see more falling stars than on other nights. And every meteor is a wonderful experience. (tab)