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The carbon dioxide emissions of large e-cars are almost as high as those of combustion engines

The carbon dioxide emissions of large e-cars are almost as high as those of combustion engines

The trend is bigger and heavier than ever vehicles It is still present in the automotive sector. However, the negative impacts on the environment and energy requirements are enormous – and increasingly so in the United States Electric carsMax Lang, vehicle and environment expert at ÖAMTCThis problem is not only found in models with combustion engines.

also Electric cars It has become larger, which includes more powerful batteries with a correspondingly large volume co2Footprint means.

the Actual environmental sustainability Therefore the vehicles are checked by the ÖAMTC and its partner clubs as part of the NCAP green. “We’re mainly focused on that emissions and the Energy consumption When driving, which means a clear advantage to e-cars, ”says Lang.

“But we also have one Life cycle analysis Of all 34 models we examined in the process of driving in 2022. This means that, for example, production cars and, in the case of e-cars, battery generation are taken into account. “With Green NCAP, we want manufacturers and consumers to be aware of this “size problem” carrying out.

Max Lang see in Electric cars Fundamentally great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road traffic. However, according to the ÖAMTC expert, the advantage over other drive types will also increase Increase the size of the car minimum.

If you still get manufacturing Battery and electricity mix, which is still a long way off in the EU co2-neutral Indeed, the advantage in the driving process can completely disappear in extreme cases.

“So we need greener electricity across Europe and we must be aware that the environmental footprint increases with mass, regardless of the type of driving. On average, the study shows, for example, 2% higher energy consumption per 100 kg than Mass. In production, greenhouse gases per 100 kg of mass are more than half a ton on average, and the energy consumption of production is significantly higher, “the expert estimated.

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The analysis also shows that Internal combustion engines – If you look at her the entire life cycle A vehicle based on the current EU electric mix – not as far from e-cars as one might assume.

“If internal combustion engines are powered by alternative fuels, generated by green electricity, the race will be closer. From the point of view of the Mobility Club, the solution to achieving climate goals in a timely manner can only be opening up to different technologies,” the ÖAMTC expert concludes.

The most important parameters of the calculation: For the average electricity mix 27 countries in the European Union and Great Britain, the average mileage was set at 240,000 km over 16 years.