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The club showed diversity – a movie evening on behalf of the Horns

The club showed diversity – a movie evening on behalf of the Horns

The VHS-Horn Film & Video Club once again staged its traditional movie night. At the club house, members with Horner Splitters have presented events across the city from 2021.

VHS director Wolfgang Welser thanked the club for treating the “old” films. The evening brought some emotional moments, many viewers introduced themselves or saw friends, acquaintances and relatives. A visit to Austerlitz from 2013 was shown as a club film. After the break, the contributions of Kristen Hoult (“Glashout Riddle” (2005), Alfred Plame (“Ethiopia”, 2006), Gerhard Hewlett (“My Passion”, 2022), Widmar Andrasek (“Jungle Discovery 2”), Erwin Loeser (“Club Excursion”) Eisenstrasse”, 2016), Gerhard Hewelt (“Hardegg”, 2017) and Peter Richter (“Homeoffice”, 2022) A rough overview of the work of its members, who once again won some prizes with their films last year can achieve national festivals for amateur filmmakers.

Chairman of the Board Erwin Loeser announced a new concept for the next film night in the fall in order to make the film evenings more interesting and attractive to audiences.

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