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The company has relied on hydroelectric power since 1898

The company has relied on hydroelectric power since 1898

“in focus”

The share of hydropower plants in total electricity production was just over 50 percent in March. Wüsterstrom from Ybbs an der Donau (region Melk) has relied on hydroelectric power for 125 years.

The hydroelectric power station is located in Kemmelbach (Melk district) directly on the Ybbs River. The system works fully automatically. The amount of electricity generated depends largely on the weather, says system engineer Markus Jonas: “The water flow is ideal when there is a lot of rain. We can produce our three megawatts there. In summer, with longer dry periods, electricity production is minimal. Then we are sometimes at the tipping point that we almost have to stop.”

Hydroelectricity is one of the pillars of the family business and has been operated by Wüsterstrom since 1898, as well as by Kemmelbach in Drosendorf (Horn district) and Wildenstein (Carinthia). The electricity provider mainly supplies customers from the region, both corporate and private. Want to keep up with the latest developments in green electricity.

A comprehensive view of the Kemmelbach hydroelectric power station

Willy Capelmoeller

At the beginning of 2006, the Kemmelbach hydroelectric power station was put into regular operation and has been producing clean energy ever since.

Because customers are increasingly consuming and producing at the same time, becoming so-called consumers of products. “The consumption of energy from the grid or from the energy supplier is decreasing,” says Managing Director Bernhard Wooster: “The trend towards so-called energy consumers. This means that electricity is produced by the company’s photovoltaic system. A certain percentage is also drawn from the grid , in combination with electric mobility or heat pump and battery storage.”

Focus: hydropower

The share of hydropower plants in total electricity production was just over 50 percent in March. Wüsterstrom from Ybbs an der Donau has relied on hydroelectricity for 125 years.

With the help of technology, energy requirements are optimized

According to Luster, the company with 45 employees wants to continue growing in the field of renewable energy with the help of new technologies in the future: “We are very dependent on energy management systems. This means that we know exactly when and who needs how much electricity. If there is a lot of If electricity is in the photovoltaic system, the battery store will be charged, the electric car will be charged or the boiler will be heated.”

At the company’s site in Ybbs, green electricity is produced from solar energy. There is a photovoltaic system containing about 1000 units in front of the old power centre. Powers 70 to 80 Ybbser households with clean solar energy. When it comes to power generation, photovoltaics have become another important mainstay for Mostviertel along with hydropower. Several photovoltaic systems are currently being installed.

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