Up to 6GHz in the Core i9-13900KS and 64 CPU cores in the Ryzen Threadripper Pro 5995WX plus 64MB 3D V-Cache in the Ryzen 7 5800X3D and the upcoming Ryzen 7000X3D gamers are already on offer today, but how are the CPUs presented? In the future look like? The community is currently dealing with this question in the forum.
Whether it’s hitting 10GHz on 16 B cores in a hybrid design and heavily stacked 3D cache, or moving away from x86 architectures toward Arm and RISC-V, many of these scenarios are entirely conceivable for the processors of the future.
What will CPUs look like in the future?
In the survey “What do you think about CPUs and their technologies in 15 years”, “Dome87”, who has been a member of the community for nearly 15 years, would like to know what ComputerBase readers think about it.
How do you think major processors will be built in about 15 years? I’m mainly referring to the more powerful desktops and laptops here.
Dome87, a member of the community
While AMD’s current Ryzen 7000 (testing) and Intel’s Core-i-13000 (testing) and their predecessors plus Ryzen Threadripper (Pro) and Intel Xeon make up the consumer and enterprise niches, there’s also another contender in the CPU area that could clockwork.
- Will AMD also adopt a hybrid solution?
- Will Intel also install more cache?
- Will the clock go up or down?
In the author’s survey, he gave several possible answers, but explicitly asked for more thoughts on the subject to be documented in the comments.
- Poll: “What do you think of CPUs and their technologies in the last 15 years?”
A ComputerBase reader wants to know: I think in 15 years CPUs will probably be…
- … become significantly more economical
- … clock speeds of 8 GHz or more
- …has enough iGPUs for AAA titles
- … has over 16 “P” positions across all manufacturers
- … almost exclusively a kind of “V-Cache”.
- …need more energy to generate more energy
- … working exclusively on the big.LITTLE principle
- … offered by more manufacturers than Intel and AMD (and Apple).
- … is no longer of great importance in desktop computers
- …the clock is lower again with new builds
- …is always soldered to the main board
- … is no longer based on x86 in the desktop
- … has been replaced by a completely new technology
I can’t picture all possible scenarios here. What is not available in the survey simply write in a comment.
Dome87, a member of the community
Explicit notes are required
Questions and suggestions as well as praise and criticism on this topic are, as always, expressly welcome in the comments to this post.
The author and editors look forward to hearing your point of view firsthand.
Bring the clues!
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Recently, the following readers’ articles from the ComputerBase forum have secured a spot on the splash page:
The editors would like to thank community member “andi_sco” for pointing this out.
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