Energy Schwaben Managing Directors: Dirk Wyman (left) and Marcus Lust (right). Photo: Energy Schwabin
The regional energy supplier erdgas schwaben has been operating under the name energie schwaben since mid-October 2022. The energy service provider in Bavarian Swabia can look back on a long tradition dating back to the 19th century.
‘Long ago more than natural gas.’
The company has been committed to sustainable supply for years. In addition to gas supply, the focus is on the generation and marketing of biogas and electricity from renewable sources. Added to this is the incorporation of hydrogen into the energy mix. 90 percent of the gas network in the Bavarian region of Swabia is already ready for hydrogen. “Green hydrogen is an indispensable component of the energy future,” says Marcus Last, managing director of Energy.
At the same time, the company is increasing its activities in the field of sustainably generated biogas and smart energy solutions such as decentralized local heating supplies from renewable sources and innovative solutions using fuel cells.
The best energy is still the one that isn’t used up
Energy saving remains an important lever for greater autonomy and reliable supply. High-efficiency solutions such as combined heat and power (CHP) for supplying apartment buildings and entire residential areas, as well as municipal facilities and commercial enterprises, are indispensable for this purpose.
“Energies from renewable sources and a wide range of services have always been one of our core competencies. We are building on this experience, and until this can be seen more clearly, our brand name will be energie schwaben in the future,” says Markus Lust, spokesperson for the Energy Schwaben Board of Directors. .
Erdgas schwaben has long embarked on the green path, with the new name energie schwaben this is becoming more and more apparent to the outside world.
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