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The European Union wants to allow people who have been vaccinated again to enter

The European Union wants to allow people who have been vaccinated again to enter

In light of the great advances in vaccination in countries such as the USA and Israel, the European Union would like to greatly ease restrictions on entry from third countries. However, the decision has not been officially confirmed by European Union countries.

13.15, 19 May 2021

Tourists who have been fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus will soon be able to return to the European Union more easily © tuastockphoto –

Tourists who have been fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus will soon be able to return to the European Union more easily. Several EU diplomats said the restrictions imposed at the start of the pandemic on unnecessary entries would not apply to them after an agreement between EU ambassadors.

This should apply if EU countries also accept proof of vaccination for travel within the bloc of countries. European Union countries did not officially confirm Wednesday’s decision. At the same time, the European Union is making travel within Europe easier with the help of a vaccination certificate. However, negotiations between the European Union countries and the European Parliament on Tuesday evening have not yielded any results and will enter the next round on Thursday.

For more than a year there has been widespread entry bans

In order to protect themselves from the epidemic, all EU countries except Ireland, non-EU countries Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland responded to the recommendations in March 2020. Agree to a blanket cessation of unnecessary entriesR. The recommendations are not legally binding, but they are an important guiding decision.

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There are exceptions for family members, diplomats, and medical staff. Last summer, European Union countries then stipulated conditions under which entry from some well-off countries should become easier. There are currently seven third countries on the relevant “white list”.

Two weeks after the last vaccination

The agreement reached on Wednesday now stipulates that people who have been vaccinated will be allowed to return to Germany two weeks after their last vaccination.N, if you provide a valid vaccination certificate. It should also play a role in allowing vaccinated EU citizens to travel to the relevant third country. Vaccines that have been approved must be accepted in the European Union. So far, these are the four preparations from Biontech / Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Astrazeneca. However, EU countries can decide for themselves whether they should continue to impose testing or quarantine obligations on vaccinated people. Some countries like Greece are already allowing vaccinated people from some third countries to enter the country without quarantine.

Entering without vaccination?

In the future, more people should be allowed into the country regardless of vaccination. To this end, the European Union will relax a benchmark on the “white list”. The maximum number of new infections per 100,000 people in the past 14 days will be raised from 25 to 75. Other criteria, for example, the test rate and positive rate in a country. In the coming days, the European Union countries will separately discuss the countries whose entry will be soon under these circumstances.

In the event that the coronavirus situation in a country worsens significantly within a short period of time, a type of emergency brake is provided. This should be used especially for areas where viral variants of concern occur. Then a strict entry freeze should be imposed immediately, with only a few exceptions.

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