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The family now gets solar energy from the balcony

The family now gets solar energy from the balcony

The fact that the sun is shining in a clear sky when you arrive in Vainnitzen can be considered a good omen. After all, the energy giant is clearly the main player this morning. It delivers materials that will be converted into electricity by the terrace power plant of Graz and solar energy pioneer EET. The Graz-based startup, which started producing user-friendly photovoltaic systems in 2017, has delivered thousands of power plants – “SolMates” and “LightMates”. But the “LightMate” still in the truck is something special. Because the system installer's name is Werner Kogler. However, the Green Party leader and Vice-Chancellor did not suddenly change careers, but rather made the facility and himself available as an exhibit as part of the Heart's Desire Auction for “Steirer Help Styrians” and Caritas Steiermark. Much to the delight of Johannes and his wife, Uli, who were able to win the exhibition.

Green installers: Kogler and Krautwaschl

Are the two units, which are supposed to produce up to a quarter of the electricity consumed, depending on consumption, actually easy and fast? Werner Kogler, who is already kneeling on the ground and working, brought support with him as a precaution and can count on the support of the leader of the Green Club in the Styrian state parliament, Sandra Krautwaschl. Christoph Grimmer, CEO of EET, takes a closer look at the work of the two and says that the “Mates” software, which he and two fellow students developed, is now in demand across Europe. “The product also creates awareness: you look at how much electricity the appliances use, and how much is three kilowatts in reality. It's quite emotional when people produce their own energy.

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Environmentally and socially valuable

Kugler and Krautschl sit down – the preparatory work is completed. Now both units are hung on the balcony railing and the moment of truth approaches: the plug is plugged into the socket – and after a short, tense wait, the red flash turns to solid green. Werner Kogler is satisfied. With new green energy supplier. And with the “Heart's Desire Auction” organized by “Steirer Help Styrians” and Caritas: “The balcony power plant is something that is environmentally sensible – it addresses the main issues of the time and meets the need for the energy transition. The campaign itself is also important, as it participates in “Steirers help Styrians” campaign as part of the “Herzenswunsch” project, which I think is definitely worth supporting. These are difficult times. The general public is doing well. There are more and more individual cases where this does not apply. The work of such initiatives is important.”

A look at the clock: It was less than half an hour from the moment the four packages were removed from the delivery truck to the moment the green power plant was put into operation. The “LightMate” works and what may be the sunniest wish from the “Steirer Help Steirern” and Caritas auction has been fulfilled.