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The feud between Mike and Jana escalated

The feud between Mike and Jana escalated

Mike Sys Montpelin simply can't forget Jana Palace's announcement of mosquito repellent.

Mike Sys Montpelin simply can’t forget Jana Palace’s announcement of mosquito repellent.

Photo: RTL

Rabea Erradi

IIn the Summer House of Stars, most of the residents made their way to Al Maklusi and Marietta Creel. Only for Mike Sis-Montballin, it was clear after Gateway to Mosquito Spray: Jana Palasque was “totally bad” after her sobering request not to use the insecticide at the dining table. During Wednesday’s double episode, audiences felt the tension in the celebrity’s home was growing exponentially: there was an escalation on several battlefields.

The fact that Mike Sis-Montballin not only summoned experts on a number of channels at regular intervals for the purpose of analyzing behavior over the past two weeks, but also caused more confusion among viewers, is immediately evident when looking at the network.

Another couple, however, have been a thorn in the side of the celebrities themselves, as the pop star McClousy and his wife, Marietta Creel, caused resentment at the summer house. Reason for disagreements: volatility, frequent complaints, exclusive invitation to family Strategic considerations for the upcoming nomination by the couple informed.

Al-Maklousi and Marietta Creel anger the residents of “Summerhouse”

“Marita thinks only of herself,” Peggy Jirovki complained. The immigrant—who was also afflicted with homesickness—found it insulting that Creel, unlike her, had been allowed to call and promote her family. “I have a problem behind this myself Persons made,” he agreed to tame Ben Melzer, who witnessed the opportunistic polarization of the couple. Creel in turn complained “I just don’t know what wrong I did that I was punished with ignorance.”

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A short time later, she proves that Swabian can be very sensitive in the “summer” fold during the first challenge: There, celebrity culinary creations were introduced which took a while to get used to as part of the Tischlein deck dich. Couples had to take turns answering the test questions and bravely picking up the spoon if the answer was wrong.

Summer House: Marietta Creel and Samira Selinger must cancel the challenge

The Mona Lisa Painter, Charles Darwin’s most famous theory, the name of the Japanese art of folded paper: residents were answering questions about public education. The troubled couple threw Pain in the towel in the first round. Creel stopped the match when she served her sour cream with wasabi: “It just doesn’t work.” The fact that she did not take the opportunity to protect herself from the nomination was her own subsequent setback.

Lube onions in vanilla sauce, mustard, pea protein shake, and Harz roll in fish sauce: the barn food menu puts participants through a tough test. Samira Selinger was the second to stop the game prematurely: “I don’t eat that,” commented Kakao mit Sauerkraut after she couldn’t name the days of a leap year, causing her husband to bitter tears. Finally, Ben Melzer and Sissy Hoffbauer were able to protect themselves from the nomination.

Yassin Selinger wants to ensure peace in the Summer House.

After Yassin Selinger dried his tears, he quickly played the role of mediator and rallied the summer house to resolve the dispute with Al-Maklausi and Krehl. After everyone was allowed to pull out what had to come out, tensions were by no means out of the way – instead, Marietta Creel was crying.

Mike Sis Montpelin was unmoved. Instead, he struggled to accommodate Pallas’ request to use mosquito repellent at a safe distance: “I don’t need such people, like these, do-gooders,” he shot the actress.

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Although she was looking for a illustrative conversation with the 33-year-old “for a minute,” she came across Granite. “The focus is on the match,” said Cees Montpelin, who did not settle for the head-to-head encounter without looking his opponent in the eye. “One minute of my entry life I don’t even want to give it to her,” he grumbled in front of the cameras. “I’m sorry for him,” said Pallasque again.

The extent of Cees-Monballijn’s incomprehensible dissatisfaction with the nature-loving actress became apparent after the second match: after his wife managed to push him through an obstacle course in a wheelbarrow, he found the saving coin in a straw bag, controlled by ambition. This enabled the Monballijns couple not only to protect themselves from being nominated, but also to take protection from the other spouses. It was no surprise that Palasque and her partner Sasha Gerndt were chosen.

Commenting on her opponent’s advice, Pallasque said, “It’s not easy to stay cool with this cold farming energy. That’s my challenge.” But this shouldn’t be your only challenge: Along with Almclausi and Marietta Creel, she and Sasha Gerndt were nominated for the Exit Challenge.

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Thanks to the double episode, the audience didn’t have to wait long to see who was leaving the house. Before that, they kept watching Cees Montpelin’s failures. That his wife was talking in the bathroom about the citrus scent of body lotion, that she was wearing a sweater, and that she wanted quiet on the toilet—which is unacceptable for the 33-year-old. “Now Kindergarten, Behavior Doesn’t Work,” he charged his partner and never got tired of urging her with the motto “No conversations with others!” for harmony.

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Those negative vibes were too much for Pallasque on the day of her exit challenge: “I think people are feeling a lot more energetic than you have to name things with words,” she said, sobbing. Tears didn’t escape Cees-Monballijn: “Women are just evil. Every horror movie has a nicer ending than theirs,” he rushed out, watching his roommate cry. The actress justified her emotional reaction, “I left all the pain that many have accumulated and brought it back to Earth.”

Al Maklusi and Marietta Creel leave the Summer House.

In the exit challenge, Balaske and Gernet succeeded in sending Klausi and Krehl home. “It definitely fits the atmosphere,” said beaming Peggy Jirovki.

In the future, residents will only have to deal with the pressure factor Cees-Monballijn again. After Palasque won the challenge, he had preconceived notion: Palasque had to “warn it didn’t end as an incense stick,” the former “Temptation Island” nominee threatened after the actress once again tried to come to terms with him. “He’s only afraid of me,” said Palasques. “He can’t classify this emotion, this real thing.” to analyze. Another escalation is likely to be confirmed.