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The first cases of cholera in Goma after a volcanic eruption

The first cases of cholera in Goma after a volcanic eruption

Wait and wait

Thousands of people are in the emergency camps

Thousands of people are in the emergency camps

Residents fled their homes in panic. The first cases of cholera are already appearing in the camps.

After the eruption of Nyiragongo volcano in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the situation around the mega-city of Goma remains tense. While new volcanic eruptions are feared, thousands of people wait in miserable emergency camps in the region.

Eight cases of cholera were reported there over the weekend. Authorities also fear the coronavirus will spread easily in cramped conditions.

According to the authorities, there were six cases of cholera in a camp about 30 kilometers from Goma. Two more people were recorded at a camp in Kirochi, 40 kilometers from Goma.

The Nyiragongo explosion erupted about a week ago

Nyiragongo volcano, which has a height of 3,470 meters and is considered one of the most active volcanoes in the world, erupted again on May 22. The crater is only 20 km north of Goma. Part of the lava had rolled towards Goma, but then stopped 300 meters from the border city airport.

Goma: Residents are fleeing in panic

Many residents fled their homes in panic. The military governor of North Kivu ordered the evacuation of ten districts in Jumas Thursday morning. Tens of thousands of people have been forced to spend the night, sometimes in the fresh air. According to the authorities last week, 40 people were missing and 20,000 were displaced. Due to poor living conditions in the camps, many residents who had previously evacuated or who had fled tried to return to Goma at the weekend.

On Saturday, Congolese authorities reported another volcanic eruption, but later corrected their information as a false alarm. The Ministry of Communications initially reported a low-intensity volcanic eruption on the side of Nyamulagera volcano, just north of Nyiragongo. It was later said that all the smoke from burning wood was mistakenly perceived as volcanic activity.

(Quelle: What / Dpa)

Accessed May 31, 2021 at 9:56 am at

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