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The first James Webb image will be released today

The first James Webb image will be released today

At 11:00 pm, US President Joe Biden will unveil the first of many photos taken by the new space telescope.

Joe Biden I can’t wait to see the first pictures that have been dated James Webb Space Telescope killing. One has been left to him, and he can now introduce him to the world on Monday evening. Around 11:00 PM It will be DST for Central Europe “Preview of the event” at the White House Give. The first Webb image will appear at the same time on a file NASA sitesAnd the ESA And the CSA (Canada) has been published.

Tune in on Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday whole group One of the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope to be released. Around 4:30 pm It will be at an event held in parallel with space agencies and broadcast live. The telescope promises a peek into the early days of the universe, when the first stars were lit up and galaxies were born.

The telescope already sent its first test images to Earth at the beginning of the year – including images of a star and a selfie. The photo post scheduled for Tuesday is now supposed to be “fully enjoyed Proof of Web Scientific CapabilitiesThese images show, among other things, the Carina Nebula, where strange-looking structures of dust and gas are accumulating, the “Stephan’s Quintet” galaxy cluster and the giant “Wasp-96 b” exoplanets.

A new global view of nature

“What we will see on July 12th is not just a photo,” tweeted NASA’s Swiss research director Thomas Zurbuchen newly. It is a new global view of nature. For decades, centuries and thousands of years hidden secrets will be revealed.

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Webb is the most powerful – and most expensive – telescope ever built. It is said to represent the early days of the universe 13 billion years Explore and therefore look back only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. Astronomers hope to draw conclusions about the formation of the first stars and galaxies. Web records should also show whether there are habitable planets with water resources.

Scientific work can begin

After the James Webb Telescope completed its 1.5 million km journey into space in December last year, it’s time to make the giant sun shield Extension, mirror alignment and To calibrate the instruments And the test. Now, after 6 months, the scientific mission can begin.

The Webb mission is a collaboration between the space agencies ESA, NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The project was launched in 1989, and was originally scheduled to go live in the early 2000s. However, new problems continued to delay the project for years, and costs tripled Nearly 10 billion dollars. The start had to be postponed several times.