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The German Greens support Habik in the operation of nuclear power reserve

The German Greens support Habik in the operation of nuclear power reserve

The Federal Party Conference of Germany’s Green Party supports plans by Economy Minister Robert Habeck (the Greens) to enable standby operation of two nuclear power plants in southern Germany until the spring of 2023. At yesterday’s delegate meeting, a proposal from grassroots representatives to allow an extension of operating time or an extension process failed.

Instead, the party convention endorsed the line allowing the Isar II and Neckarwestheim II nuclear power plants to continue operating until April 15 at the latest by a clear majority. On the other hand, the Emsland nuclear power plant should stop operating at the end of 2022. However, there is still disagreement about this in the German government. The FDP calls for continued operation of the Emsland nuclear reactor and extended service life beyond the spring of 2023.

Habeck had requested approval from the delegates. Two nuclear reactors are not the solution in the stress scenario, but they can contribute insignificantly to the stability of the power grid. “That is why I am asking you, as the minister ultimately responsible for security of supply in Germany, to create this opportunity,” Habeck said.

There will be no return to nuclear power: “This is a mistake and it certainly will not happen to us.”

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