After the recently leaked Pixel 9 Pro test device underwent the AnTuTu benchmark, the regular Pixel 9 has now also appeared in the Geekbench benchmark database. Interestingly, it is not with 12 GB of RAM as announced in the hands-on leaks but like the Pixel 8 (here) Available on Amazon) with only 8GB of RAM. So it looks like there will be different versions of Google's next phone with 8GB, 12GB and 16GB of RAM, the latter of course only in the Pro model.
The already leaked Tensor G4 specifications are replaced by the current specifications Login to Geekbench Certain. The performance core (Cortex-X4) runs at a frequency of 3.1 GHz, the three-core cluster maxes out at 2.6 GHz, and the four efficiency cores run at a frequency of 1.95 GHz. The GPU is a Mali-G715 in Google's chipset, whose synthetic performance is unfortunately still very disappointing. Of course, it's still too early for a final evaluation, at least in this current benchmark, the Pixel 9 disappoints with 1,653 single-core and 3,313 multi-core points.
Surprisingly, this is even lower than the Pixel 8's Geekbench 6.2 scores for the Tensor G3 (1,711 single-core and 4,382 multi-core). Aside from the fact that the leak could theoretically be fake, we of course don't know under what conditions the Tensor G4 was tested here, and Google still has the whole summer to tweak the performance screws. It can no longer be assumed that the Exynos 2400's descendant will be a performance marvel come fall; Only the Tensor G5 in the Pixel 10 would have a chance at much higher speed thanks to TSMC production and Google's Exynos-free design.
As a tech-loving teenager with a history of compilation and overclocking, I worked as a projector operator with good old 35mm film before entering the world of computers professionally and serving clients at Austrian IT service provider Iphos IT Solutions as a Windows client for 7 years – and server administrator as well project manager. As a freelancer who travels extensively, I've been writing for Notebookcheck from around the world since 2016 about the latest mobile technology in smartphones, laptops, and gadgets of all kinds.
“Social media evangelist. Baconaholic. Devoted reader. Twitter scholar. Avid coffee trailblazer.”
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